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Obesity Childhood

Category: Obstetrics and Gynecology: Obstetrics

In a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health is called childhood obesity. The diagnosis of obesity is normally based on BMI (body mass index).BMI is very simple to calculate and is as BMI= weight in kilogram divided by square of height in meters. Then there are different tables which indicate different body mass index values for underweight, normal weight and overweight or obese person. Comparing the values will then decide obesity and how it is being treated.

Obesity health:The first problems that occur in obese children are they usually become emotional. Also obesity can also lead to life-threatening conditions which include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer. Some of the other disorders would include fatty liver, early menarche. Skin infection, and asthma other respiratory problems are also likely to occur. Studies have shown that overweight children have more tendencies to become to be overweight adults.

Obesity treatment and prevention:If your child is very overweight, then the next goal should usually be to stop gaining weight or gain less weight each year, say perhaps only 3-5 pounds a year. In principle, to lose weight, you either have to decrease the amount of calories you are eating and drinking, exercise to burn more calories, or even better, do a combination of both. The equation is that 1 pound is equal to about 3500 calories, so you have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound or eat an extra 3500 calories to gain a pound. Say for, if you are child is at a steady weight, to lose 1 pound a week, you either have to eat 500 fewer calories a day (500*7=3500 calories a week) or burn 500 extra calories daily by exercising. Or eat 250 fewer calories and burn 250 calories exercising. Now considering the dietary values of in calories 250 calories equal to 1 piece of cake, 4 cookies, and 2 sodas or jogging at 5M.P.H For30minutes or one hour walking. Thus preventive treatment is as underlined.

*       Limiting the number of calories by calories consciousness.

*        Limiting the quantity of milk, as it also help to overweight although it is a good source of calcium yet the requirement of milk is 16-24 ounces daily.

*       Reduction of child’s meals is important as too large portion should be avoided.

*       Encourage exercises and physical activity, riding a bike, baseball, playing outside.

*       Limit watching T.V. and playing computer games, video games.

*        You must know what your child is eating and his food habits a count of calories.

 Obesity help:losing weight is not easy and you may need to get extra help for your child.There are some dietary tips which if adopted give you miraculous results known as Obesity help tips.

*       Follow a nutritional eating plan and be very restrictive to implement it.

*       Select those foods which are full of nutrients and have lower calories. Avoid sweets, soda and starches.

*        Make exercise a daily part of your life like food.

*       Avoid skipping of meals as it decreases your metabolic rate.

The best way to permanent weight loss is to increase the metabolism by feeding the muscles and exercising to burn of excess fat. Higher the metabolism will ensure your body demands a greater energy consumption and thus good results. 



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Obesity Childhood
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